Parables of Genome

Articles in this chapter take the question about finding inspired text as Bible study. It turns out, there are a series of parables in the Bible about recovery of inspired text from the genome. Articles in this section explore the details.

  • Seed

    In our search for parables of Genome recovery we start with seed. (265 words)

  • Stones

    In our search for parables of Genome recovery we continue with stones. Stones carry seed, as we will see. (1,004 words)

  • Living Water

    There are multiple references throughout the text that speak of water that lives, or water that is alive. This is another parable about the genome. (2,201 words)

  • Mountain

    There are several references to mountains which may also be genome parables. If so there is the possibility of a huge amount of more inspired documents in the genome. (1,096 words)

  • Long Ago

    There are passages that indicate the living waters were set long ago, at the time of Adam. Jacob references this too. (333 words)

  • Light

    The process of recovering DNA is described in parable form. This mostly involves shining light through the DNA. (481 words)

  • Markings

    Revelation includes a story about a document with markings that cannot be unraveled. This continues Daniel's story and provides other estimates as to the size of the document. (515 words)

  • Stones In Water

    There are places were stones are related to river water. These 2 symbols combine in these stories, suggesting text on stone can be drawn out of water. (589 words)

  • Water Into Wine

    At the feast of Cana, Joshua turns water into wine. Strange details may make this a genome parable. It shifts to Roman authority, as did Paul. This is a hint at science as the judge, not religion. (728 words)

  • Cornerstone

    References to cornerstones may also be a hint as to additional volumes. In particular, they may indicate a substantial amount of additional volumes will be measured from the reference document. (936 words)

  • Tree

    Nebuchadnezzar's dream of a tree provides a view of the unedited texts. Like other stories, it witnesses to the volume of documents that may come out of the genome. (472 words)

  • Double Flows

    An obscure reference in Zechariah may be hinting at the double strands of the DNA, or better at double documents on those strands. (459 words)