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Bible In Genome

This website explores the question, Is there a copy of inspired scripture hidden away in the Human Genome?

Parables of Genome

Articles in this chapter take the question about finding inspired text as Bible study. It turns out, there are a series of parables in the Bible about recovery of inspired text from the genome. Articles in this section explore the details.

  • Seed

    In our search for parables of Genome recovery we start with seed. (265 words)

  • Stones

    In our search for parables of Genome recovery we continue with stones. Stones carry seed, as we will see. (1,004 words)

  • Living Water

    There are multiple references throughout the text that speak of water that lives, or water that is alive. This is another parable about the genome. (2,201 words)

  • Mountain

    There are several references to mountains which may also be genome parables. If so there is the possibility of a huge amount of more inspired documents in the genome. (1,096 words)

  • Long Ago

    There are passages that indicate the living waters were set long ago, at the time of Adam. Jacob references this too. (333 words)

  • Light

    The process of recovering DNA is described in parable form. This mostly involves shining light through the DNA. (481 words)

  • Markings

    Revelation includes a story about a document with markings that cannot be unraveled. This continues Daniel's story and provides other estimates as to the size of the document. (515 words)

  • Stones In Water

    There are places were stones are related to river water. These 2 symbols combine in these stories, suggesting text on stone can be drawn out of water. (589 words)

  • Water Into Wine

    At the feast of Cana, Joshua turns water into wine. Strange details may make this a genome parable. It shifts to Roman authority, as did Paul. This is a hint at science as the judge, not religion. (728 words)

  • Cornerstone

    References to cornerstones may also be a hint as to additional volumes. In particular, they may indicate a substantial amount of additional volumes will be measured from the reference document. (936 words)

  • Tree

    Nebuchadnezzar's dream of a tree provides a view of the unedited texts. Like other stories, it witnesses to the volume of documents that may come out of the genome. (472 words)

  • Double Flows

    An obscure reference in Zechariah may be hinting at the double strands of the DNA, or better at double documents on those strands. (459 words)


This section looks at stories from the Bible. This includes the genetic origins of life on earth, how those foundation lines flow down to us now and why we might want to look in there, in the genome, for lost scripture.

  • Adam And Eve

    If inspired parts of the Bible are in the human genome, it was added at the time of Adam and Eve. This article explores what we know about what happened at that point in history. (1,140 words)

  • Family Lines

    There are various stories that point at different DNA spread into the family lines of Adam and Eve. This article explores where that DNA enters Adam's race how it might have spread. It suggests where to start looking when scanning DNA for text. (1,007 words)

  • Hidden Text

    The Bible tells a story of 2 texts in competition with each other. A public uninspired Bible text competes with a private, inspired text called the Testimony. The inspired part is lost and found at various times across history. One of the places where it was hidden was in the walls of the high temple, perhaps a parable for the genome. This article explores. (1,432 words)


In January of 2022, the first complete sequencing of the human genome was finished. This section contains articles on the history of the project, what is available for download and how that data is organized.

  • Reading List

    This article contains links to various articles that explain the human genome. Mostly from Wikipedia. A quick introduction to the genome. Each link is followed by key points from the article. (1,557 words)

  • Introducing CHM13

    The basic human genome sequence we use in this project is named CHM13. We use version 2.0 for our work. This article introduces and provides links to download sources. (832 words)

  • Codon Table

    The most important reference for our work here is the DNA codon table. This table reduces into 1 simple list most of what is known about how data is packed into DNA. This article reproduces the standard DNA Codon Table as our starting point. (1,066 words)


This section contains articles that show how the paleo alphabet is mapped to codons.

  • Spice Letter Counts

    Audit report on the total number of Paleo letters in the Spice Bible. (922 words)

  • Spice Letter Spreads

    This audit report provides a look at the raw data for letters spread into the Spice Bible. (1,887 words)

  • Data Addressing

    The genome is very large. Similar in size to a blue ray disk in terms of capacity. Scientists have a bunch of ways to address this data. This article explains their way and our way. (1,132 words)

  • Alphabet

    This article reviews the alphabet. (417 words)

  • Letter Folding

    The 3D models provide a natural structure using folding to generate a truth table across the letters. [unfinished] (3,012 words)

  • Punctuation Folding

    The 3D models provide a model for understanding the truth table for understanding punctuation. This is more complex than the letters because of more bits and fewer choices.[unfinished] (874 words)

  • Codon Bits Step 1

    The Codon Table has 3 elements of 4 cases each. This article converts this to 6 elements of 2 cases each. The first step in aligning with the Paleo Alphabet.[unfinished] (2,163 words)


Articles in this section show results of audits. These check sanity of code and files.

  • Audit Codes

    The Codes library provides a bunch of static data used in various analysis steps across the project. This page provides the unit tests, or audits, for that library. (1,460 words)

  • Bases

    This audit counts nucleotide bases in the downloaded Genome. Provides provides internal audit counts. It can also be checked against other sources. (917 words)

  • Codons

    This audit counts all the codons in the genome. This is a test of the code that manages the test system itself. Provides a reference for understanding the scale of the genome. (4,119 words)

  • Frames

    This audit displays all reference frames against a specific chromosome. This to show all 12 views of a chromosome are working as expected. (2,777 words)

  • Letters

    This audit converts all codons to Paleo and displays the result. Checks Paleo conversion and gives a hint as to letter distributions. (11,375 words)

  • Names

    This audit takes a sample list of relatively common names and counts how often those names are found across the entire genome. (3,383 words)

  • Genome Spread Counts

    This audit looks at the spread distance between codons. It shows how often codons repeat after each other. (11,971 words)


A few articles about the project itself.

  • About

    Joshua God took 1 of Adam's ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Of the rib he made a woman and brought her to Adam (Genesis 2:21-22, BRB, Paraphrased).

    If the rib in this story is the Y Chromosome of the Human Genome, there may be a parable in this story about something hidden in our collective DNA. This website explores. (163 words)

  • Contact

    Contact us in the following ways. (173 words)

  • Share

    Share this website with this QR Code. (105 words)


There are various indexes, here are the links.

  • Index to Scripture References

    This page lists all the scripture references on the Bible in Genome website. Sorted by books. Linkable back to the referencing pages. (129 words)

  • Site Map

    Use this list of chapters and articles to manage a complete read of everything here. This is listed in normal reading order. (123 words)