This section looks at stories from the Bible. This includes the genetic origins of life on earth, how those foundation lines flow down to us now and why we might want to look in there, in the genome, for lost scripture.
Adam And Eve
If inspired parts of the Bible are in the human genome, it was added at the time of Adam and Eve. This article explores what we know about what happened at that point in history. (1,140 words)
Family Lines
There are various stories that point at different DNA spread into the family lines of Adam and Eve. This article explores where that DNA enters Adam's race how it might have spread. It suggests where to start looking when scanning DNA for text. (1,007 words)
Hidden Text
The Bible tells a story of 2 texts in competition with each other. A public uninspired Bible text competes with a private, inspired text called the Testimony. The inspired part is lost and found at various times across history. One of the places where it was hidden was in the walls of the high temple, perhaps a parable for the genome. This article explores. (1,432 words)