Bible In Genome
This website explores the question, Is there a copy of inspired scripture hidden away in the Human Genome?
Why Explore This Question?
Our main project, Paleo.In is centered on the problem of recovering the inspired alphabet, language and manuscript of the inspired parts of the Bible. For a long time, friends of the project have followed the work through the blog located here.
One of our friends who followed the blog, a retired biologist, had long suggested to us that the Human Genome would be a possible place for a copy of scripture to be stored. She felt we should at least explore the question.
For a long time this seemed like a preposterous idea. How could it get there? How would we even approach the problem of finding it?
Then we saw a clip of Bret Weinstein. He is a noted biology professor who lost his job when he tangled with the woke religion. He was asked what would shake his belief in evolution. His answer was simple. If a copy of scripture could be found in human DNA, then evolution would be proven false.
Challenge accepted.
Because of our previous work, we do not believe Hebrew nor Greek are inspired languages. So we would not expect either of these languages to be encoded in DNA.
Aramaic is closer to the inspired form and complete copies of the Bible, including both the Old Testament and New Testament are available in that language. But, Aramaic is not inspired either. There was an earlier language, what we call Paleo, that was used by inspired writers.
So the hunt for scripture in the genome is a hunt for text in an otherwise unknown language.
This sort of hunt was first solved in the 1700s. The strategy is to look for clusters of names in close proximity. This strategy is the first step in finding the mapping from drawn letter forms to known letter forms. The drawn letter forms that are unknown to us are the character encoding patterns used in DNA.
This strategy works because names are generally not changed when any given language is translated into another language. So names as found in extant texts are likely spelled about the same way as they were in their inspired form.
Once names are found, then nearby words can be worked out and the rest of the otherwise unknown alphabet can be decoded and then later translated.
In particular we went looking across the entire genome. We were looking for any place where the names of Jacob, and his immediate family, might be found clustered closely together.
The DNA molecule itself can be used to encode binary data in many different variations. The text could run either direction down that molecule. Text could be encoded on either side of the molecule. It could be encoded with any of 3 different offsets along the molecule. If you study the problem, you will see some of these combinations are symmetric to each other, and not every combination needs to be checked.
Then there is the problem of what binary patterns in the DNA map to what characters in the alphabet. This encoding is typically done in computers using the ASCII table, which later evolved into the Unicode standard used around the world for character encoding in computers.
What is the ASCII table equivalent in this case? The alphabet itself has some natural encoding patterns. Those are explored in articles here.
The problem of finding the encoding table is the hardest aspect of this study.
When we wrapped up this work in late 2022, we were caught up in the problem of finding the natural encoding of the Paleo Alphabet.
Provided we did not miss some aspect of the encoding problem, by the end of this work in late 2022, we were unable to find scripture encoded in the Human Genome.
The Problem of Compression
Modern computer systems generally map characters into binary data, but then they also compress that data before that data is kept in long term storage. The Git revision control system is an example. Web pages are also typically stored and sent over the internet in compressed form.
Any highly engineered use of DNA for storage of inspired scripture would likely also use some sort of compressed form. Anyone able to store text in the Human Genome would thus also likely use some compression strategy for that text.
Compression strategies cannot be readily reverse engineered. So anyone compressing text into the DNA would use some obvious compression strategy. So if there is compressed text in the DNA, some first-principle compression strategy would need to be worked out from what is knowable from the alphabet itself. Our understanding of the alphabet is not yet able to suggest a natural compression strategy.
So the question of scripture stored within DNA remains an open question. Our work does not dis-prove the idea that the Human Genome was used as a scroll vault.
Website Organization
This website has a set of articles that explore various aspects of this problem.
Think of this website like an online book. The problem is broken down into a series of chapters, each with a selection of articles. Each chapter has a tab. Here is the outline.
- Home
- Parable
- Bible
- Genome
- Paleo
- Parables of Genome (13 articles, 9,227 words)
Articles in this chapter take the question about finding inspired text as Bible study. It turns out, there are a series of parables in the Bible about recovery of inspired text from the genome. Articles in this section explore the details.
- Home
- Parable
- Bible
- Genome
- Paleo
- Bible (4 articles, 3,720 words)
This section looks at stories from the Bible. This includes the genetic origins of life on earth, how those foundation lines flow down to us now and why we might want to look in there, in the genome, for lost scripture.
- Home
- Parable
- Bible
- Genome
- Paleo
- Genome (4 articles, 3,595 words)
In January of 2022, the first complete sequencing of the human genome was finished. This section contains articles on the history of the project, what is available for download and how that data is organized.
- Home
- Parable
- Bible
- Genome
- Paleo
- Paleo (8 articles, 10,521 words)
This section contains articles that show how the paleo alphabet is mapped to codons.
Sections Dropped
When this project was active in 2022, we had a few other tooling related articles online. Those have been removed.